Welcome to KPI Sense

We can’t wait to get started—here’s just a few questions to help us better understand your business and financial operations.

Thanks so much—This shouldn’t take you longer than 3 minutes.

Points of Contact

This is the person we will contact the most to review the model and answer general questions

Business Overview

Help us learn more about you and your business. The following questions are optional. However, the more information you can provide, the better we can assist you!
Please list the investors or creditors to date and either their contributions amounts or percentage of overall contributions. (example:  Jane Smith: $1.2M (75%) Equity)
Your best guess is fine.
Your best guess is fine.

Information Systems

Your Accounting, Invoice & Billing, and Payroll & Employee Systems. The following questions are optional. However, the more information you can provide, the better we can assist you!
Please list, if any
Please list, if any

Kickoff Call

If you have an ideal data and time for the kickoff, please note it below. Otherwise we can contact you to schedule the call based on your availability. We should expect to have a call 2-5 days from you receiving this survey.

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